Honda Water Pumps
Official UK Honda Water Pump Distributor; Petrol, Trash, Engine, 2 & 3 Inch

Honda Lightweight Water Pumps
These pumps are lightweight for easy transfer between applications, the unique 360° lubrication system allows complete operation at any angle.

Honda HiAgh Flow Water Pumps
This range of trash pumps contain Honda's unique Optimized Impeller, this minimises energy loss and increases performance - ideal for construction applications.

Honda High Pressure Water Pumps
Powered by a GX160 Honda engine, these water pumps produce exceptionally high pressure ideal for sprinkling, jetting and fire fighting applications.

Honda High Flow Rate-Trash Water Pumps
These are the ideal pump for taking on demanding jobs where suspended debris is required to flow through the pump without causing clogging or damage.

Honda High Flow Rate-Chemical Water Pumps
These pumps have been built to withstand material others just can’t handle. Sulfates, nitrates and chlorides are no problem – as well as pretty much any other corrosive compound. They’re ideal for commercial and agricultural use.